I'm scrambling to try and move out of my apartment before the end of the month. It is so hard to have to leave, but I am so happy that one of my really good friends is taking it after me (Congrats on the job, John)! Leaving behind the first real place of your own after two years is so difficult, especially when your apartment is situated on a beautiful farm that encourages my hermit-like behavior. Here are a couple of my pictures from my apartment!
As most people know, I am a major bargain hunter. Most of my apartment consisted of thrift shop finds, refinished furniture (by my mom and I), outlet store finds, Ebay bedding sets (see above), and antiques. One of my favorite finds is my headboard in this picture. My mother and I went on a junk store hunt one rainy Saturday and ran across this gorgeous, handmade headboard. On closer inspection, we discovered that it is made out of two old cabinet doors. If you are trying to furnish an apartment, go cheap! Your place will turn out looking quite different from most... :)
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I spent a good bit of time this September and October roaming around the farm to clear my mind and find some semblance of peace. Of course, the best way to clear your mind and find peace is with a camera, right? This tire swing looks out on the barn and a beautiful pasture. It was certainly a place for me to sit, pray, and think. I'm so glad to have this picture as a reminder!
This was taken after a series of really bad storms. When I turned into my drive way, I almost steered straight into the fence because of this picture. Thankfully, this did not happen...BUT...I did end up putting the car in park to stand out of the moonroof of my little RAV just to get the height and angle that I desired. Double rainbows over your place does not happen very often!
These were taken pretty recently- I drove home after class on a beautiful, overcast day to find the fields laden with yellow flowers. It was absolutely stunning. The horses were roaming about their main grazing field, but with the way the sunlight was streaming through the clouds, it made them look like simple silhouettes until I got up close. Most of the horses on the farm are a deep chocolate color, so the contrasting tones of yellow and brown were most stunning.
Sorry for such a short entry, but I hope the pictures were somewhat contrasting with the previous entries! I hope to have a little more time to write after I move the rest of my stuff out.
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